HappiSeek is based on 35 years’ experience of guiding thousands of seekers through their deeper mind in search of life purpose, self-mastery, and true happiness.
Hey, Seeker!
We wanted to create an app to guide our fellow seekers on a journey towards self-realization.
In developing HappiSeek, we were inspired in part by Aldous Huxley, who became fascinated with using hypnosis as a means to achieve enlightenment and what he called “the divine within” or “your ultimate reality.”
One of Huxley’s greatest works was The Doors of Perception, titled after William Blake, who wrote, “If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is, Infinite.”
With a nod to Huxley and Blake, we created ten doors, each representing a characteristic that enlightened people commonly share, like trust and patience. Behind each door are three hypnotherapy sessions that help implement these qualities into your life. The ten doors and 31 sessions are done sequentially, systematically leading to “your ultimate reality.”
We don’t claim to be enlightened (though we have spent our lives seeking it!), and we know we can’t teach you to become a yogi or a Buddha, but we absolutely can guide you to develop self-realized characteristics as laid out in our other inspiration, A Course in Miracles.
When you open a new door, you are opening your mind to expanded consciousness, self-revelation, and, ultimately, to greater enlightenment than before you entered.
Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis, which is a natural yet altered state of mind. Athletes call this focused state, “in the zone.” Hypnotherapy creates a relaxed mind and body in order to direct subconscious thought towards beneficial shifts. Hypnotherapy changes your life because it changes your perception.
Learn to utilize the unlimited power of your subconscious mind today.
Everyone has a different definition of enlightenment. We can all agree, however, that enlightenment is a state of mind unlike our current one. In that sense, enlightenment requires a shift in awareness. There is nothing we need do, make, create or be in order to achieve enlightenment. Rather it’s what we must undo in our mind. Enlightenment is similar to the sun. The sun shines even when the clouds obscure it. But the clouds cannot put out the sun. It is our job, as seekers, to undo the clouds, or cleanse the doors of perception as William Blake said. Enlightenment doesn’t require a change in the physical world, it requires a change in your mind.
We do more than play soothing music and wispy recitals,
HappiSeek takes you inward, deeply inward, on a journey of consciousness exploration.
Twenty hours of hypnotherapy sessions coupled with a customized path to enlightenment, all for only $199.99 a year (hint, that’s less than one hour of hypnotherapy with a board-certified hypnotherapist in most U.S. metro areas).
Imagine having the convenience of always available—24/7—sessions with a board-certified, celebrated hypnotherapist in the palm of your hand and in your ear.
The only app that uses hypnotherapy to guide seekers on an inward journey to a more spiritual and enlightened life. HappiSeek’s carefully designed curriculum safely relaxes seekers and walks them through ten canonical tenets of true happiness.
Amaze yourself with HappiSeek’s introductory session “Inner Message.”
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You’ve probably heard the scientific research in the psychology and medical field that supports hypnotherapy as a powerful tool for lasting change. But did you know it is equally effective for awakening and exploring expanded states of consciousness?
Most people think of hypnosis as a tool for behavior modification, such as losing weight and allaying anxiety, but the practice of hypnosis is much more colorful and deep. Hypnosis dates back to ancient Greece where priests used trance-like hypnotic states in what were known as “healing temples” to bring about physical and spiritual healing for patients.
Shaman, too, have used hypnosis throughout various cultures to bring people to the spirit realm for divine inspiration. And in the last couple of centuries, hypnosis has been a favored tool for earnest Truth seekers and intellectual inner dimension travellers just like us. It only makes sense that enlightenment, peace, happiness, all that you seek is already within. We help you uncover it.